Thursday, May 1, 2008

Hot Stuff

Today, Roode was alright. We started work in the field and I think he was a little overwhelmed with the nice weather and working outside again. soo... he was a little had to contain and he wanted to just kind of blow through me and I had a tough time getting my half halts to really go through his body. But he got better and with all his energy, he became better with his HOT attitude. We then went into the arena to finish work with half steps and canter work. Roode did very well with the half step work. The issue there is only that he has an extreme talent for it but the rider has to be very correct. My half halts sometimes give the wrong message when I'm asking for collected walk or the passage. But, all in all he really sat down and gave a lovely passage that transitioned with the hind leg and ended nicely.
The canter work was a little frustrating. His shoulders get down hill and he stops moving his neck with the motion and the tempo can lose 3 beat. But we ended successfully. I'll add the positive...only I get frustrated when I cannot explain this problem and fix it.

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