Friday, May 23, 2008

Robert Dover

Last Weekend(May 17 and 18th) Roode and I rode as a Prix St. George Demonstration for auditors with Robert Dover. It was incredible to say the least. I've learned a lot. Roode was not super great but I'd rather him that than perfect with nothing to work on. He was basicly figity in the mouth and Robert helped with gaining that connection through leg driving aids and building Roode's confidence. He also helps with me gaining a real understanding of the quality of canter in which Roode must go! And boy, Roode was jumping. He was working harder than anything he had done in a while...we both were.
Before I even arrived to Massachusetts for the symposium, getting Roode ready to go was wild! After I gave him a bath and pulled some mane, he knew something was up and he turned into a very naughty, fire -breathing dragon. Then, he just almost couldn't contain himself once on the trailer but once moving he calmed. It was pouring rain when we arrived and finally my saddle came and we were able to get it fitted while there and it was super through the weekend. All 8 horses in the clinic were geldings and they all were very content all weekend. And it also stayed dry for the weekend and then started to rain again when leaving on Sunday. : ) and Roode was fine for the trip home...completely fine.
And then this entire week we've just continued with the same work and Roode just keeps getting better. Tomorrow, sat. and Sunday, We are having a Henk van Bergen clinic here at the farm and I am very excited..more to come. 5/24-25/'08.
